
Botulinum Toxin ( Botox )

Short CPD Course

Botulinum Toxin (Botox)

This is a CPD (18 credits) accredited and certified course. On this course you will learn how to safely perform anti-wrinkle Injections.


What is Botulinum Toxin (BOTOX)

Botox is a drug made from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It’s the same toxin that causes a life-threatening type of food poisoning called botulism, It can be used in small doses to treat health problems, and temporary smoothing of facial wrinkles and improving your appearance.


Botox (Botulinum toxin) injections relax the muscles in your face to smooth out lines and wrinkles, such as crow’s feet and frown lines. It’s not permanent – it usually lasts for around 3 or 4 months

Entry criteria

  • Medical professional registered to a medical body (e.g NMC, GMC, GDC, GPhC etc.)
    • Level 3 NVQ in Beauty Therapy
    • 6 Months experience in advanced beauty treatment (e.g SPMU, Microblading, Micro needling) and A&P Level 3
    • 12 months experience in advanced beauty treatments (e.g SPMU, Microblading, Micro needling)
  • The minimum age for entry to the course is 18 years.

Please note you will need a prescriber linked to your clinic – this service can be provided.  


Learning Objectives

Botulinum Toxin / Botox® Theory

  • Understand how the toxin works
  • Onset and duration of toxin
  • Dilution guides
  • Understand how to store, dilute, and administer Botox®.
  • Understand facial anatomy
  • GLOGAU photoaging scale
  • Fat compartments and changes
  • Bone changes through decades
  • Understand how to assess the face and choose the most effective dose and injection location using protocols.
  • Understanding complications
  • Understand how to avoid both common and rare side effects.
  • Understand how to manage side effects when they do occur.
  • Know when it is appropriate to use a combination of Botox® and dermal fillers.
  • Understand common reasons to follow up patients, and common follow up injection points.

Practical Session

  • supervised consultation, assessment, and treatment of demo models with Botox®.
  • Management and judgment of predicting the outcome of treatments with Botox® in the three main areas of use in the upper face: crows’ feet; frown lines; and forehead lines
  • Develop an injection technique that reduces side effects and increases predictability of results using Botox®.
  • Learn to handle and prepare the injections without damaging the delicate Botox® protein.
  • See the importance of good medical photography in practise.

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to inject the three main areas of the face and feel confident in the anatomy of the face.

  • Live model hands on Botox training:
    • Forehead lines
    • Frown (glabellar) lines
    • Crows feet

We will help you with pricing, insurance, and consent forms.

The course will be taught by fully qualified tutor (Nurse) who provides you with the highest standards of training at the academy

  1. How to take a history
  2. Learn how to store, dilute and administer toxin
  3. Understand the anatomy of the face relevant to common treatments.
  4. Understand how to carefully assess the face and choose the most effective dose and injection locations of the 3 areas of the face
  5. Learn how to avoid common unpleasing results.
  6. Learn how to avoid both common and rare side effects.
  7. Learn how to manage side effects of toxin
  8. Know when it is appropriate to use a combination of toxin and dermal fillers.
  9. Learn about follow up appointments for your patients.
  10. How to gain consent
  11. Insurance and other business aspects
  12. Ordering from pharmacy/stock
  13. Prescribing issues
  14. What products to use
  15. Complaints/follow ups
  16. Case studies
  17. Live demos
  18. Interactive Q and A
  19. Dermatology/Ageing Skin

You will learn the contraindications/side effects and dilution of the toxin.

Assessment Criteria

We will assess you on your consultation techniques, medical history of patients, physical examination and judgment, your knowledge of A & P, procedural techniques, safe delivery of proposed treatment, technical ability, post procedure management, and your professionalism skills.

Your trainer will work with you to help you meet the required standard for each of these criteria. Delegates not able to meet one or more of the criteria will be asked to re-sit their training on a different date at additional cost.


Our Centre provides support after the course as well as during the Course. Dates are bespoke to suit your needs and requirements, Course dates can be split up to suit working restrictions


Training can be one to one,

Discounts offered for being a Model

Duration and Cost of Course

£1500.00 for 2 days (practical based days)


Theory will be sent, pre study is required prior to practical sessions, as well as an assignment.


You will need to sit an internal exam on your first day of arrival of your practical day

Leonardo Gucci


Melisa Gucci


Meet Team

Our Therapist Expert.

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